
Thursday, October 28, 2004

Pyjama Exam Day

Mood: Happy
Music: Billy Idol - White Wedding

I've now completed three exams, one each morning Tuesday - Thursday. My second exam was a lot better than expected, instead of having the entire event being held in the middle of a black man ghetto gangster rapist conference as expected it was actually pretty good. There was only one question that had a big scary black man and I could choose five out of six questions also skipped it. There was one other smaller black man that jumped out of a seemingly innocuous question, but other than that the steel underwear managed to fend off all other attacks.

This mornings exam was the Pyjama exam. I've been saying for a while now that I'll go to my last ever exam in pyjamas. Well it wasn't my last exam ever, but it was the second to last seeing as the last one will be followed by celebrations that would be awkward by wearing pyjamas. So with many an odd look I wandered off to Uni to the amusement of my classmates and actually left early as it was such a good exam!

The only potential downside is that I can't help but think that all the potential for crappyness that I've missed in these three exams is going to come to a head in the last one.......lets hope not.

So no more work today, and tomorrow I'll get stuck into some more study for my FINAL EXAM EVER on Monday.

AND I'm not running for president in the US elections in a week so I should be able to get plenty done.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I down, only one slightly latino man so far (no black men)

Mood: Positive
Music: The Beatles - Hard Days Night

First exam today, construction management. It went pretty well, I thought it was a fair exam (of course I would think that as it went well) and most other people agreed with me on that one. Studied like a madman this afternoon and evening before tommorrows exam. I fear there may be many black men forth coming there, I do, however have a set of steel underwear (cheat sheet) so I might yet survive.

For anyone reading this that has no idea what I mean by numbers of black men, it's an in joke, not meant to be racist.

mmmm milo and bikkies

Ever noticed how The Beatles really don't sound like they've had a "hard days night"? The song sounds far to energetic, maybe a "slightly difficult days night"?

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Just over a week to go

Mood: Tranquil
Music: Smashing Pumpkins - Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

I'm a wee bit ahead of schedule so I'm going to bed now so that I can get up in time to go and watch Manchester United vs. Arsenal. Exams don't seem so threatening now, I've been working through the revision. In saying that, I can gaurantee that I'll feel like I'd not done enough coming out of one or two of them. Just over a week until it's all over.

I wonder what the world will look like when I come out of the last exam? I wonder what I will look like when I come out of my last exam?

Friday, October 22, 2004

Found it

Scooter is his name (go the internet search engines), and the show was Terrible Thunder Lizards

"When will the hurting stop?"

Mood: Spaced Out (from to much work, not drugs)
Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge

A famous line from that thing about the cartoon cavemen living in the technological dinosaur age from Eek The Cat on Saturday mornings. I'm refering to the pain of forcing ones self to study. But, unlike the caveman dude, I know it will soon be over - 230 hours away......

Tried to find a Hamvegas flat today on TradeMe. Emailed one place which seemed nice as it has three girls (21, 21 and 20) who are looking for two guys. They're one student and two full time workers and they live near a pub. What more could one want? The downside was the rent was $65 per week which undoubtable means the place is a hole. But we'll see, I still have a couple of months to find a place and there are tons of flats on TradeMe, I imagine there are even more in the paper etc. in Hamtown.

Sometimes I wish I was Duffman, but not much.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Procrastination, a Wholesome Vice?

Mood: Lethargic
Music: Metallica - Until It Sleeps

Oh the carnage, someone has (I can't decide whether to hate them or thank them) has decided to install a multiplayer first person shooter computer game on all the Civil Engineering Suite computers.

We now have, not only the beautiful weather outside, anything that could be construed as insufficiently clean, the internet and this blog, the tv, any number of suddenly much more interesting things to do at home as well as just chatting to flatmates but also now the university has been invaded with one of the most distracting things - LAN games. Medal of Honour - Allied Assault is now the procrastination favoured by the civil engineers and many a grade will drop as a result I have no doubt is assuming.

But hey, it's our final year, they're not going to fail us, right?..........right?

*sigh* back to work...

Monday, October 18, 2004

Now to actually say stuff

I've kinda got the hang of using this thing now and thought that I would start by making an "official" statement about what I'm doing next year.

Next year I will be in Hamilton aka Hamiltron (City of the Future) aka H-town aka Hamvegas aka The Piggery aka Hamtown aka Hamulon (feel free to suggest any other interesting nicknames). My job will be earning me an infinite amount more money than I am currently (i.e. I will actually be earning money) as I start as a Graduate Geotechnical Engineer (hence the name of this blog - geotechnerd). The job will be working for a firm called MWH (Montgomery Watson Harza) who are a big multinational company (probably horribly capitalist!). The first question I usually get now is: "Why on earth would a big multinational company have an office in Hamtown?" Which is a valid point, the answer being that MWH brought out a smaller NZ firm which has tonnes of offices all around the country (including Balclutha where Adam worked). If, for some reason you what to know more, try or

This is an in-situ soil testing device that I will probably be using next year.

The other major question that I'll endeavor to answer before some else asks is: "Why on earth do you want to more to Hamtown?" Well, to be honest I wouldn't want to if it wasn't that the job on offer is really awesome. I mean, I'm from Auckland, and I've never been there before (other than driving straight through when we missed the bypass once) - there just ain't nothin' there! The reasons why I took the job, rather than one in Auckland, are numerous. Firstly, I'll be working under MWH's NZ expert in geotechnical engineering, so it'll be great for my career. I'll also be spending about 40% of my time actually out there on-site (not to much desk work), I should be flown around the country several times a year to various locations to do small geotech jobs all around the country. The other major factor is that I've talked to a classmate who worked there last summer and he was fully complementary about the office and staff etc. As were one or two other people so I think that I'll really enjoy working there. Finally, kinda grasping at straws here, is that accommodation is cheap and the traffic actually moves! (Sorry to burn Auckland there, but it was a major detractor in potentially returning to The City of Sails. )

How did I do that?

Hey, look, my picture is in the side bar.  How did that happen?  Oh well, it's all good now.

The long awaited title finally arrives

Aha! Words above the picture, whatever will they think of next? Sliced bread? The wheel?

I guess it may have to be done the long way, huh? Posted by Hello

PS This is a picture of McLeans Island Test Track (the actual track is indoors).....just in case you were wondering.

Ahah! A Title is now in evidence!

So, will this method of posting pictures work? And, more importantly perhaps, can I give it a title? Posted by Hello

It's a race

Which post will get there first? The one from my email account, which I've already sent, or this one?

Still trying stuff out, this is just another test.



How do I get this into my profile? Posted by Hello

HMNZS Aquada Mark1 (our Undie 500 car) Posted by Hello

Still Working on it

How on earth does one edit ones profile? I need to know!!! TELL ME!!!!!

G'day Niggars

This is by way of a test run, just to figure out how on earth I do stuff to make things happen to the whatchamacallits. Clear?