Today was the first day of really fabulous weather. Previous days have been wonderfully warm

with a bit of cloud or maybe a bit of wind. But today, the weather was a nearly flawless sky with a slight breeze to stop it from getting oppressively hot – fantastic!
After relaxing the day before today was another active day exploring the other fantastic opportunities available at Beachcomber. To start with I had a

blast on the jetski. I used to think that they were horrible noisy things that spoilt the peace and calm at beaches. That was before, a few years ago, I had a go on one of them myself. Those things are great! It’s like riding a motorcycle on the water. With a few waves in the morning remaining from the previous day I managed to have a hugely exhilarating time blasting around up and down the waves, becoming momentarily airborne, and spinning around in circles – wohoo, what a rush!

Mike went wakeboarding later (like snowboarding on the water in the same way water skiing is like snow skiing on the water). I jumped in the boat and took a few photos, it looks like fun, but then again, he actually knew what he was doing!
After that I went on the snorkeling trip. It was just the boat taking us out to the edge of the reef at the northern end of the island, near the dive site of Jackie’s Reef. Although this was great,

you could see a lot of the fish and coral that we encountered whilst diving, you could also see how much more there was to explore further down and it just in no way as good as open water diving. Still, I amused myself by skin diving down 2 or 3 metres to get a closer look. Swimming in the tropical waters is fantastically warm as it is and it’s hard not to enjoy yourself around the reef!

Throughout the day we generally lay around in the sun as well as playing a bit of mini-golf. The highlight for me was in the afternoon when I went parasailing! If you’ve not encountered parasailing, this is when you’re basically strapped to parachute which is

dragged behind a boat which sends you soaring in the air like a giant kite. It was absolutely fantastic! It was the

closest I’ve come to really flying and an unforgettable experience. As you can see from the photos I took my camera up with me (securely tied to my wrist) and had some amazing views. Definitely the second best experience in Fiji (after scuba diving).
I used my camera to take a time-lapse photography sequence of the sun setting, it was picture perfect and came out really well. If anyone want s to see it I’m afraid it’s 12MB so I wont put it on the internet unless I find a way to make it smaller.

In the evening we watched the All Blacks triumph in the Super 12 by beating the Aussies – always good to watch. During the game we met Dane, from the North Shore of Auckland, and Canadian Mike. Mike’s a software engineer and we had a great time discussing life in engineering schools in New Zealand and Canada. The whole evening turned into a big party and we did the Bula Dance again that evening. It was the last night we had in Fiji and we made it memorable!