Copenhagen aka Københaven
There were heaps of interesting things we did but some of the highlights were:
Roskilde Viking Ship Museum
After excavating the remains of four Viking Ships found at the bottom of Roskilde Fjord in the 1960s there is now a museum dedicated to the ships and to Vikings in gerneral. My Great Grandmother's last name was Thorburn, so I've always used this weak link to claim to be a bit Viking and subsequently loved this place. They had people doing all the yee olde Viking type crafts as well as letting you go sailing in a replica of one of the ships in the museum! Great fun!

This is an old school amusement park where they have an ancient wooden roller coaster (one of the oldest in the world) as well as high tech rides, candy floss stalls, throw-a-ball-and-knock-down-the-blocks type games as well as live performances on stages mostly insprired by Han Christian Andersson's stories (such as The Ugly Ducking and The Princess and the Pea).

Just across the bridge (see 'Bridgy Bridgy Goodness') is Sweden and the town of Malmö. Wohoo, another day trip to a different country. I don't think I'll ever get tired of day trips to different countries =) Malmö is pronounced mal-moo which literally translates as Bad Cow.......ok, so I made that last bit up. We did, however, eat Reindeer whilst we were there so I'm sorry to say that Santa's rounds might take a little bit longer this Christmas =P Also, I was on the constant look out for a stereotypical Swedish Heidi (blonde with two platts in her hair down each shoulder). However, I only spotted two and one was bleached blonde so didn't really count :-(
The city itself is really nice. Not quiet as nice as Amsterdam who's maze of canals are deligtful, but certainly in the same league. I'll let the photos do the talking for Copenhagen. (Note that the credit must go to Elizabeth and Tim for the last two photos).

Bridgy, Bridgy Goodness!
Ok, to be honest, my favourite part of this trip was the bridges! I now proceeded to the world's second biggest suspension bridge from Zealand (one of the main islands of Denmark) to mainland Denmark (the bit that joins up with Germany). The Great Belt Bridge as it's known is reclaimed land for half the length, then a huge suspension bridge for the road and a tunnel for the railway, and the final stretch is a causeway. Its biggest span being 1624m (compared to the Kobe bridge which is 1992m). Unfortunately they don't have any particularly good viewing point so I'll include a photo from the internet to give you a better idea - I know you're all dying to see it yourselves =P