Freiburg and Strasbourg
After attending my last game in Hanover I headed South to Stuttgart to stay with my Dad's friend Julian Clark and his wife, Serina - but more about that later. The next day I went on a day trip down the Southwest border of Germany to visit Freiburg and then back via Strasbourg which is in France, just the other side of the border.
Freiburg was a nice old town with cobbled streets, old buildings and, of course, a lovely old Minster. Don't ask me what the difference is between a Minster and a Cathedral although someone once told me it was something to do with whether or not there was a resident bishop? There was a market on and the place was really pleasant with my favourite aspect being that most buildings had some kind of shield in a mosaic on the footpath outside that seemed to be related to the activity in the building (butchery type stuff outside a butcher, govermenty stuff outside the town hall etc.), although I'm not sure what type of building was supposed to be next to this shield, I just liked it.

Strasbourg was also very beautiful. The Catherdral, I'm pretty sure that this one was a Cathedral, was huge and I think that I liked the interior of this one more than any of the others. Could't really say why, it just appealed to me somehow I guess.

Stasbourg was another quaint old medieval town which has grown into a city and the contrast between the modern areas and the old town was dramatic. They had some lovely canals running through the area coming off a river which runs into the Rhine which marks the German-French border at this point. The old town is lovely and great to walk through, the problem is that they know it and the commercialisation is such that, in conclusion, I actually enjoyed the quieter and significantly less known Freiburg quite a lot more. Overall, a fantastic day =)

Freiburg was a nice old town with cobbled streets, old buildings and, of course, a lovely old Minster. Don't ask me what the difference is between a Minster and a Cathedral although someone once told me it was something to do with whether or not there was a resident bishop? There was a market on and the place was really pleasant with my favourite aspect being that most buildings had some kind of shield in a mosaic on the footpath outside that seemed to be related to the activity in the building (butchery type stuff outside a butcher, govermenty stuff outside the town hall etc.), although I'm not sure what type of building was supposed to be next to this shield, I just liked it.

Hey Riccardo
Sounds like you're having a great time in Europe man it's a big long epic journey of massive proportions you're going on!
An update for my life: I moved back to Christchurch from Timaru, got a new job at a research institute. Down south I got overexposed to milk, became milk intolerant and converted to Soy and Ricemilk for a few months (shock horror - "Ricemilk Steve"! The stuff's actually not that bad.) I picked up the Timaru twang so now I sound like a local.
Now I am engaged to the most lovely girl in the world, Frances, and we're going to marry in January 2007.
Anonymous, at August 15, 2006 3:50 am
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