
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Italy Part 2 - Southern Italy

Whilst I was disappointed with the city of Rome Italy has it's redeeming features. My next furor was a three day bus trip around southern Italy. I was a magnificent trip through beautiful surrounds with great company.

As when in Rome I made many new friends (see photos of Rome) and this trip was no exception. The entire tour was full of Kiwis and Aussies with one or two others as it's associated with budget bus travel all around Europe and is a part of many an OE (Overseas Experience) from down under.

The first stop was Pompeii. I'm sure you all know about Pompeii but if you needed to be refreshed look here. Unlike Rome this place was set up properly. We had an excellent guided tour, although two hours was not enough to see it all, and every house has been beautifully preserved and descibed in the accompanying guide brochure. The entire site is a lot bigger than I expected and you could easily spend an entire day wandering the dusty streets daydreaming about gladiators, merchants and other ancient...ahem.... "professions".

The Gladiator SchoolThe streets of Pompeii
We spent the evening in Sorrento which is lovely little town where the boats leave for the famous Isle of Capri. The weather, I should mention, was truely perfect the entire time I was in Italy and that evening we were treated to the first of many wonderous mediterranean sunsets. This photo is curtosy of Dean.
Sunset in Sorrento
From then onwards I didn't want to leave as I think that the scenary is the best I've ever seen outside New Zealand. As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words, but even a thousand words would not do justice to Amalfi and Capri.
SorrentoCapriCapriCapriCapriSusan, Louise, Gwen and DeanRock in the shape of The Virgin MaryThe Green Grotto


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