Japan - In Pictures!

I have finally found a place that will let me download my pictures and I can now post a couple on my blog! However, as time continues to run short on when I can use the internet this will be another brief post. Hopefully I will have time to sit down a write something decent when I am staying with friends who will let me use their computers - hint, hint, Rachel and/or Glen =P
Anyway, I spent today in Hiroshima after the amazing speed of the bullet trains. These things would make the trip from H

The major reason I was in Hiroshima was to see the peace park. It's a pretty amazing place. It's very beautiful and all the memorials and the museum make a real impression.
Whilst I can't describe it all just now I can say that I am now in Kyoto and the last thing I did in Hiroshima was visit the reconstruction of Hiroshima Castle.
Internet time almost gone!
If you get the chance, go to Himeji Castle, just south of Osaka - it's Japan's largest wooden castle, and has stood since the 16th century. It's the real castle deal.
And yes, I have the Internet on in the apartment - fibre optic even :)
See you soon!
eatsleepcricket, at May 31, 2006 1:03 am
Haha there you go, there's something you can do while I have to work, play on the computer!!
From Rachel :)
Anonymous, at May 31, 2006 5:53 am
Ah Hiroshima, I have fond memories of AJ screaming at some Japanese kids that we wernt American whilst on our school trip there back in 5th form.
Anonymous, at May 31, 2006 1:07 pm
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